Thursday, September 29, 2016

Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister 
Rogers Bannister is a former middle-distance athlete his excellence achievement was to be the first person who ran the first sub-four-minute mile. He had also set a record in 1952 olympics in Helsinki of 1500 metres in fourth place. This was an excllence achievement because  he had set record of something he love and practice his whole life for, he was recognized and honored for be the person who ran the first sub-four-minute mile. Technology could impact his arete experience in a positive way because there's is more inventions that can be utilized to be faster and breath correctly. the arete achieved in this example was that he set a record that no one will get to beat. one of the life lessons i learn was just keep going and do the best you can.
Image result for roger bannister

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

baby monitor

Computer Science Innovations

This innovation is called sproutling baby monitor which is a baby monitor that tracks vitals. The monitor are bands that goes around the baby ankles. It tracks their heart rate, breathing, movement, and body position. The monitor is connected with an app on the parent's phone which alerts is something is awry. The app also tracks the babies behaviors and even there nap lengths. There is also a charging station that tracts light, noise,and temperature. This will impact new parents and parents that may have a very pron ill baby that would like to be alerted of the babies health conditions when they sleep or when they are just playing around. The problems that this device can solve are heart attack an abnormal situations that the baby may have or even if there blood pressure is low or high. I believe this innovations is awesome for parents that are new to having a baby and need the reassurance of their health. This will also save many babies life of death because if something is not going right the can quickly solve it.
Image result for sproutling baby monitor

Friday, September 23, 2016

Mikaele Oloa

Mikaele Oloa
His excellence achievement he had was becoming the world fire knife dance champion in 2005 and 2006. At his age 15 he’s the youngest competitor to ever won the title and having dance capabilities with four fire knifes. This achievement was achived when he started to practice when he was 5 and he was being trained by his father which was also a competitive dancer. Technology can impacted his is arete experience because it can make it safer for him and also if it more technology it does not get the same message of his background. His experience has taught me that do what you love and never give up even if it's dangerous, keep you generation culture going.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Computer science innovations
The innovation that i chose was REVMEDX XSTAT this is a 1.2 inch diameter polycarbonate and silicone syringe which contains fast absorbing cellulose sponges the help clot the blood. Once its injected into the wound the sponges will swell in 20 seconds and can stop bleeding for 4 hours or even as long enough for the patient to get to a hospital. This will impact many soldiers that are in the war field and could not get treatment immediately by a physician and has a big wound this would help them to survive in war.The problem that this will solve would be many death that can be prevented if they had this type of medical help when a doctor is not near. I believe that this innovation is good to be the best big thing in the army or even at a hospital and will help the people survive in a bad injury they might have. This will help save many lives out in war and help them save their lives.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Nathan Sawaya
Nathan sawaya is a artist who builds custom three dimensional sculptures and very large scale, uses standard LEGO toy bricks. His creations are bought by companies, charities, individual,and galleries all over the world. He was a full time attorney and he left his full time job to be a LEGO artist. He worked for the company for less than six month and then he branched of to make his own creation and be a LEGO artist. Technology can impacted his arete experience because there might be a better LEGO in the future which he can be more creative and make more creative art with a technology LEGOS. I think that he has work very hard and has quit his full time job as attorney to be a LEGO artist which is a very drastic change to his life but he is following his dream and he is making it come true.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Computing Innovations 
The innovation i researched was really fascinating its called apple of my eye. this innovation is a handheld device which tells you if your fruit is ripe and ready to eat. MIT scientists developed a device that can evaluate how ripe is an apple by measuring the glow of chlorophyll under a ultraviolet light. This device also help the farmers how to know which apple id ripe and ready to ship to other vendors. The idea for this device was to not let to waste fruit and make it easier for farmers to know when to crop and also know if there apples are rape or not. This will impact the farmers, buyers and the costumers because this way they dont waste money or food and the can acquire the best fruit possible. The problems that it would solve would be of waste of food and the waste of money to buy the fruit. I think this is a great innovation because it help you pick a good variety of fruits by this device which sound very help when you go the store.
 Image result for apple of my eye device
Blown to Bits 
chapter 3
The U.S. would block any sensitive military information that can be end in the wrong hands.  leaks can have real consequences. the releases of British government released a document of its case foe joining the US war in Iraq. CDs and MP3 use a quite distinct modeling method which captures more music using a bigger number of bits. there's two type of techniques which are lossless and lossy . A lossless representation allows exactly same image to rendered. A lossy representation allows an approximation to the same image to be rendered.
Image result for COMPUTER PIXELS     Image result for COMPUTER PIXELS

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Alex Hattori

Alex Hattori
Alex Hattori is a 15 year old that in his young age he is the yo-yo king. He has played in the national yo-yo competition. By the time he was 12 he had earn the title of america’s junior national yo-yo champion.he had a lot of training to learn his skill and even Redondo Beach Pier help him train and give him basic tips for a “triple A”.this is a excellent achievement because he worked hard to get to the skill he has know and he has fun playing with the yo-yo at the same time. Technology can affect the arete experience is they come up with a better way to handle the yo-yo or i can even have a built in music to listen to when using the yo-yo. I learned that doing your passion and what you want to pursue in life is really important. it important to be practice and be great at what you like even if its only a hobbies it can always be more than that you can make them your greatest achievements.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Blown to Bits

Chapter 3  
Blown to Bits

There are various ways to recover the original information that was written the first time as in chapter 3 the blogger unrestricted the text disclosed position of troops and many other information that was very important to the us government to not let anyone else see. Electronic documents are more easier to change than any written document. When trying to hide something important they use black "highlighter" but you can always go back and change the document and make the words visible. The government also uses a software called Redax which government use to disclose other information that may help the country. Microsoft also offers "track changes" if you enable you may see the entire creation of the paper form the begin to the finish product that has been made. Metadata is built in your computer which allowed information when send ad an email like owner of the computer, the dates of the files creation, and last modified. Leaks can be avoided by making sure that documents are cleansed before release and follow release protocols which can avoid leaks and hacks from people. Photograph are bits in electronic memory are altered by a pattern. if the pattern is printed 0s and 1s the image wouldn't appear. the bit has to be in a more standardized to print on variety of patterns. The representation of a photograph is bit that is called model which transfers the bits representing a digital photo to a computer screen or printer. The model process also applies when music is captured on a CD or MP3. Digital signal processing was to remove scratches and noise from old recordings of the singer Enrico Caruso but it didn't help clean old record. The image with a rectangular grid is a representation of a photo which each row is divided horizontally in tiny square "picture elements" or as many know them pixels. Pixels are found every where you find a digital screen because the image that you are seeing is make of every tiny squares which make up a image. For example 01001001 represents the letter I but it's not always that representation the computer can identify the bits that can change the representation of I. There can be more than 300,000 individual pixels in an image that forms the image. The pixels can also contain color which help it create a image with shading and color. You can also hide information on the images which anti-spam software won't filter them out. Our government had an advantage with the advance technology we have because they can use it as a protection to defend our country which we had caught many using various ways to hide secrets and we have discovered them with our advance technology.

Image result for hidden data     Image result for pixel computer screen